
Performance of real estate brokerage, real estate asset appraisal and intermediary activities are partly licensed activities and partly subject to notification in Hungary. It may be performed both by private individuals and economic associations, however, economic associations are allowed to perform this activity only if the given association employs a person who meets the qualification requirements prescribed by law.

Facility management is an independent economic activity performed for commercial purposes - in order to produce a profit, regularly, involving economic risk-taking-, as defined in the law on the general rules of the commencing and performing of service activities, during which the facility manager prepares a proposed plan on the maintenance of the property, on the basis of the characteristic features of the property and an economic analysis, pursuant to the contract concluded with the customer, it performs the tasks of operation and maintenance, directs and supervises the planned renovation

Condominium management is an independent economic activity performed for commercial purposes - in order to produce a profit, regularly, involving economic risk-taking-, as defined in the law on the general rules of the commencing and performing of service activities, during which the condominium manager prepares a proposed plan on the maintenance of the condominium building, on the basis of the characteristic features of the condominium building and an economic analysis,; pursuant to the contract of engagement concluded with the co-owners, he/she organizes the tasks related to operation and

A gas fitter or gas appliance repair person (hereinafter jointly: gas fitter) is the person who is engaged in the installation of connection lines and consumer appliances and the installation inspection and periodical testing with respect to safety requirements according to the law on natural gas provision. The service activities include the following sub-activities: installation, placing into service and maintenance as well as troubleshooting and elimination of problems for connection lines and consumer appliances,

Property management land surveyor activity is a service which includes the making of state land surveying basic maps, the managing of the works needed for entering changes in such maps, and the signing, examination, and quality certification of such work items.  The property management land surveyor activity is classified in the Standard Classification of Economic Activities (TEÁOR'08 = NACE Rev.

The architectural design engineering activity qualifies for the preparation of the architectural design documentation that is necessary for the construction, extension, renovation, conversion, reconstruction, modernization, demolition or transportation of a physical structure, a component of a physical structure, or the combination of physical structures, or for the modification of their function.

The building owner/building contractor may delegate an appropriate construction engineering inspector, depending on the nature of the building industrial implementation activity, to represent the contractor on-site. The law may require the employment of a construction engineering inspector. During the entire process of the building industrial implementation activity, the construction engineering inspector facilitates and oversees the observation of the laws, government regulations, standards, contracts and the implementation documents.

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