1. What is this site good for?

This site is Hungary’s Point of Single Contact (PSC) for enterprises, a member of the EUGO Network. The aim of this site is to assist entrepreneurs and enterprises who wish to set up a business or provide cross-border services in Hungary.

2. How do I find the relevant information on this site?

To search for a service listed on the site please click on the ‘browse by sector’ menu  on the left hand side. Then click on the service sector you wish to find information about. Alternatively you may search the A-Z index for the list of services.

3. What if I don’t find the information that I needed?

If you do not find the information that you were looking for, please refer to www.magyarorszag.hu (available only in Hungarian), contact us or send an email and we shall get back to you within a working day.

4. What is EUGO and what is a PSC?

The European Services Directive obliges EU countries to simplify all procedures involved in starting and carrying out a service activity. A key element in the implementation process of the Directive is the creation of a European network of "points of single contact" (PSCs), where future entrepreneurs and existing businesses can easily obtain all relevant information on the business and legal environment of any specific country.

Member PSCs of this EUGO network are e-government portals that entrepreneurs and enterprises can use to get detailed information about doing business abroad and to complete administrative formalities concerning the establishment of a business or the cross-border provision of services.

5. Where can I find information on starting up in Hungary and registering a company in Hungary?

General information on the procedures in case of Starting up in Hungary, including registering the company, is available under the menu ‘Starting a business in Hungary’ on the left side of the site.

6. Where can I find information on taxation?

General information on taxation can be found under the menu Doing business in Hungary

7. Where can I find information on incentives for investors in Hungary?

Both refundable and non-refundable incentives are available to investors coming to or expanding in Hungary. The main types of incentives related to investments are cash subsidies (either from the Hungarian Government or from EU Funds), tax incentives, low-interest loans, or land available for free or at reduced prices. The regulations on incentive opportunities are in accordance with EU rules. A more detailed summary is available under the Doing business in Hungary menu.

8. Where can I find the list of Points of Single Contact in other EU countries?

The list of Points of Single Contact is available  by clicking on the EUGO logo at the bottom of the site.

9. Where do I find information on the Services Directive?

General information on the Services Directive can be found in the link Services Directive on the top of this site.

10.  How do I contact the Hungarian Point of Single Contact?

Editors of the Hungarian PSC site can be contacted HERE or by sending an e-mail to info@eugo.gov.hu

11. How do I get information on the economic situation in Hungary?

A general overview of Hungarian geography, history, population, climate and economy can be found under the Key facts about Hungary menu.

12. How can I find direct links to English language content of the Hungarian public administration?

Links to ministries, governmental institutions and authorities can be found under the Useful links menu 

13. How much does it cost to use the PSC?

PSCs are free of charge services provided by EU Member States.

14. Can I personally go to any office and arrange a meeting with a public servant?

Hungary operates a system of Single Access Points that are available in all major settlements. Just look for the ’Kormányablak’ sign (Government Windows)