Activity focusing on the training of motor vehicle drivers

The service activity focusing on the training of motor vehicle drivers covers the organised training of motor vehicle drivers, as well as the provision of knowledge and skills required for driving, in compliance with the legally prescribed institutional, material and personal requirements. The service activity focusing on the training of motor vehicle drivers is listed in the Standard Classification of Economic Activities (TEÁOR'08) under section. 85 “Education”, under sub-section 85.5 “Other education”, more specifically sub-category 85.53 “Driving school activities”.

The service activity focusing on the training of motor vehicle drivers may be pursued by any training entity which complies with the following substantive law requirements. The training entity may be a business company, a sole-trader, or a single-member company.

The person responsible for the training is the school manager of the training entity which has the training licence and has a contractual relationship with the trainees. The training entity may only pursue the service activity focusing on the training of motor vehicle drivers under the professional control of the school manager and by using specialised instructors.

The school manager is the person responsible for the professional control of the training entity, who is either a member or the employee of the training entity and who is listed in the register of school managers. The specialised instructor is a person who participates in the motor vehicle driver training as an instructor licensed for such activity.

The training entity shall have a customer service room which is used exclusively for the purposes of the training entity and which is sufficiently equipped to provide for the conditions of appropriate reception and service of customers. The training entity's training licence, Business Policy and written information shall be placed on the wall in the customer service room, and the company sign shall display the opening hours, as well.

The training entity shall have

  1. in the case of classroom training: a classroom, wall tableaus, multimedia technology for teaching or video player and television set or computer and projector;
  2. in the case of e-learning: the e-learning system suitable for the licensed training.

Classroom trainings for categories “A”, “A restricted”, “A2” and “B”, as well as subcategory “A1” shall take place in a classroom that is suitable for demonstrating lighting and signalling equipment through a functioning model.

In the case of trainings for categories “C”, “D”, “T”, “Trolley bus”, subcategories “C1” and “D1”, and combined categories “B+E”, “C+E”, “C1+E”, “D+E” and “D1+E”, the training entity shall have a training room which is furnished with at least one functioning vehicle or training frame whose type corresponds to the category (subcategory, combined category) of the training, and with the tools and instruments prescribed for the training by the transportation authority.

The vehicle or training frame shall be placed in the room in a way that the curriculum-specific number of trainees can observe and practise the presented tasks.

The room shall also comply with health and safety as well as fire safety regulations. Gases emitted by the operation of the engine shall be properly channelled out of the room during the training course.

Furthermore, the room shall be furnished with fire extinguishers in the number and filled with the agent specified by the fire safety regulations, as well as with the necessary number of desks and seats (but not less than one of each).

The room shall be properly heated (min. 18 °C), lit and ventilated.

Toilets and places for hand washing shall be available for all participants of the training and examinations.

In the case of trainings for categories “A”, “A2”, “A restricted”, “B”, “C”, “D”, “M”, “AM”, “T” and “Trolley bus”, subcategories “A1”, “C1” and “D1”, and combined categories “B+E”, “C+E”, “C1+E”, “D+E” and “D1+E”, the practice area with the size and specifications specified in detail in the curriculum shall comply with the following requirements:

  1. away from traffic;
  2. solid surface;
  3. suitable for the safe performance of the prescribed tasks (taking into account the number of participants practising simultaneously);
  4. appropriate toilet and place for hand washing;
  5. the vehicles and equipment necessary for the driving practice, corresponding to the category indicated in the training licence and complying with the relevant statutory requirements.

Except for the training of two-wheeled vehicles, the surface of the practice area for the training of vehicle control and routine driving skills is accepted as solid (only for training and practise purposes) if it is suitable for practicing the exercises without deformation under any weather condition. The practice area for the training of two-wheeled vehicles need to be covered with asphalt or concrete.

The size of the practice area shall be suitable for practising the training and examination exercises prescribed for the given vehicle category. If the practice area is used for training purposes only, it is not a requirement to ensure that all exercises can be practised simultaneously. The practice area may be rearranged during the training course.

As another requirement, a licensed and qualified instruction vehicle, which corresponds to the training category, subcategory or combined category, shall be provided for practice courses.

Training entities providing only theoretical courses shall provide trainees with the opportunity to take part in practice courses, as well through a contract concluded with a training entity licensed to provide practice courses.

Training entities providing only practice courses shall provide training participants with the opportunity to take part in theoretical courses, as well through a contract concluded with a training entity licensed to provide theoretical courses.

Procedures connected with starting and pursuing the service activity

In respect of the service activity focusing on the training of motor vehicle drivers, the Motor Vehicle Transportation Office shall act as transportation authority. The service activity focusing on the training of motor vehicle drivers may only be pursued in possession of a licence issued by the Motor Vehicle Transportation Office.

Application for a licence for pursuing the service activity focusing on the training of motor vehicle drivers shall be submitted to the Motor Vehicle Transportation Office in writing or orally in person. Currently, procedures cannot be started electronically due to technical reasons. Application shall be submitted together with the following:

  1. documents certifying that the applicant meets the personal and material requirements prescribed for the training course to be organised by the training entity, specified above;
  2. certificate of payment of the administrative service fee for the procedure;
  3. the written description of the training, see: §
  4. the Business Policy of the training entity.

The application shall be considered by the Motor Vehicle Transportation Office within the general 30-day administrative deadline which may be extended once by the Head of the Office with another 30 days.

The Motor Vehicle Transportation Office grants training licence to the training entity which meets all conditions. The training licence entitles the holder to provide trainings in the entire territory of Hungary. The Transportation Authority issues the training licence for a specific category, subcategory or combined category.

The licensing procedure is subject to an administrative service fee. The amount of the fee is HUF 67,500 for three categories in the case of the first licence, and HUF 22,500 for each category or qualification type in the case of additional licences.

The fee shall be paid together with the submission of the application by bank transfer or in cash at the cash desks of the National Transport Authority to the appropriation account No. 10032000-00289926-00000000 of the National Transport Authority kept with the Hungarian State Treasury.

Training entities licensed to train motor vehicle drivers are registered by the Motor Vehicle Transportation Office. The register is available at the website of the National Transport Authority: register of names of motor vehicle driver trainers.

The training entity is required to report any change in its registered data, in writing to the Motor Vehicle Transportation Office within 15 days of the occurrence of such change. Such changes may be reported to the Motor Vehicle Transportation Office in writing or orally in person. Currently, data changes cannot be reported electronically due to technical reasons. Such obligation to report data change is not subject to any fee or duty.

The training entity shall indicate all data changes made due to any legislative change in the Business Policy and on the written description of the training (unless otherwise provided by law) within 30 days from the coming into force of the legislative change. In order to promote compliance with this obligation, the Motor Vehicle Transportation Office of the National Transport Authority provides information on such legislative changes.

Pursuing the activity in the framework of cross-border services

The service activity focusing on the training of motor vehicle drivers may not be pursued in the framework of cross-border services. Therefore, any person who lawfully pursues this activity in its country of residence (within the EU or EEA) must obtain the licence specified above in the case of a cross-border activity which involves Hungary (i.e. an activity not requiring the settlement of the person or pursued occasionally or in a temporary manner).


Cross-border service provision

If you wish to launch this service in the form of cross-border service provision, please click here to read the general conditions of cross-border service provision in Hungary.


Legal regulations governing the service activity and procedures

Sector-specific legal regulations which primarily govern the service activity focusing on the training of motor vehicle drivers and the relevant procedures:

  1. Act I of 1988 on the Road Transportation,
  2. Government Decree 179/2011 (2 September) on the General Rules of Training and Examination of Motor Vehicle Drivers and Road Transportation Professionals,
  3. Decree 24/2005 (21 April) of the Minister of Economy and Transport on the Detailed Rules of Training and Examination of Motor Vehicle Drivers and Road Transportation Professionals,
  4. Decree 84/2009 (30 December) of the Minister of Transport, Telecommunication and Energy on Fees relating to the Training, Further Training, Remedial Training and Examination of Motor Vehicle Drivers and Road Transportation Professionals.