Facility management is an independent economic activity performed for commercial purposes - in order to produce a profit, regularly, involving economic risk-taking-, as defined in the law on the general rules of the commencing and performing of service activities, during which the facility manager prepares a proposed plan on the maintenance of the property, on the basis of the characteristic features of the property and an economic analysis, pursuant to the contract concluded with the customer, it performs the tasks of operation and maintenance, directs and supervises the planned renovation

Performance of real estate brokerage, real estate asset appraisal and intermediary activities are partly licensed activities and partly subject to notification in Hungary. It may be performed both by private individuals and economic associations, however, economic associations are allowed to perform this activity only if the given association employs a person who meets the qualification requirements prescribed by law.

Under Hungarian laws, cross-border provision of a service means a service activity in the territory of Hungary without establishing premises, on a temporary or occasional basis, thus the service provider does not establish a permanent economic presence. 

Whether an activity is pursued by a given service provider by establishing premises or as a cross-border provision of service shall always be determined for each single case, first of all by taking into consideration the duration, frequency, regularity and continuity of the given service activity.

Accounting and bookkeeping in Hungary are regulated by the Accounting Act and the statutes issued by the Ministry for National Economy. In addition to the Accounting Act, some special rules apply to financial institutions, insurance companies, state budget organisation and municipalities.

In 2006 member states of the EU agreed to a series of simplifications to make starting up a company faster and cheaper anywhere in Europe. These simplifications called for cheaper and faster procedures and the implementation of a one-stop shop for all administrative procedures when starting up a company.


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